Damaged Photo Poster Effect


With Plus Subscription

Have your image printed on the rough linen! And yes, make it look washed, worn, and aged — that's easy with a photo effect created precisely for that.
We've got lots of various distorted, aged, and worn photo effects in our collection, that's true. But how about transferring the same grunge vibe to fabric? Not to mention the visual impact, this option will appeal to those of you who want to preview apparel prints or create designs that realistically represent poster print on linen canvas. You'll get yourself a high-resolution PSD file with 3 color filters and plenty of room for creative exploration.
This resource is created, and fully compatible with Adobe Photoshop. For the best experience, we recommend to use the latest Creative Cloud version of the app.
  • Format: PSD, TXT
  • Size: 104 mb