Cut Out Paper Text Effect

Cut Out Paper Text Effect
Cut Out Paper Text Effect
Cut Out Paper Text Effect
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Author: Pixelbuddha

Size: 57 mb

License: Commercial license

Category: Text Effects

Format: PSD

About the product

Optical illusions gaslighted us into thinking it was a hard thing to do. If our eyes cannot fully understand the power of tricky stunts, we'd like to consume your time and propose a text effect that looks carved and mind-blowing at the same time.

Put aside your scissors; we will have fun in a different way. A PSD file will turn any letter into a 3D visual will-o'-the-wisp in a couple of moments. Viva Smart Objects that can (almost) do everything! The text effect will look awesome in casual projects, especially paired with noisy textures to achieve a crafty look. 

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