Disposable Camera Photo Effect

plus Effects
Disposable Camera Photo Effect
Disposable Camera Photo Effect
Disposable Camera Photo Effect
Disposable Camera Photo Effect

About the product

The effect captures the bare charm of a disposable camera and revives the look of 35mm film. Washed-out tones, soft blur, and subtle grain create an authentic lo-fi aesthetic, while photo booth frame templates momentarily intensify the old-school message. With Smart Objects, you can easily drop in your images inside one of 6 PSD files (35mm vertical, 35mm horizontal, photo booth, photo booth b&w, photo booth curved, and square) — and achieve the instant-film feel in seconds. So that's what it is: vintage snapshots created for social media, editorial spreads, album covers, music, and movie posters.

This resource is created, and fully compatible with Adobe Photoshop. For the best experience, we recommend to use the latest Creative Cloud version of the app.

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